
We stock books authored by Chigozirim Otefe-Edebi and more….

The Side Hustle Workbook

I am not promising absolute results, because the determinants for success in life and business vary from significant to insignificant details. However, I have tried to infuse lessons in this workbook based on my own experiences

This book  will help you to do the following:

  1. Assess your readiness before you take the plunge into a business or quit your job.
  2. Determine the worth of your ideas to establish those to pursue, those to defer and those to never execute.
  3. Design your unique business plans.
  4. Understand and harness your strengths and improve on your weaknesses.
  5. Record your growth and lessons learned as a basis to transfer knowledge and train  staff and proteges.
  6. Avoid losing money on an idea or business opportunity.
Strategies for coping in a toxic environment

I wrote this piece of work years ago when I found myself in a hostile environment surrounded by complex people who drained my energy and will to live. However, with help from God, insight from His word and just generally becoming a student of humans and their behaviour patterns, I made it out of that environment with my sanity, self esteem and dignity intact.

 It took some years to heal but sometimes I still find myself making some questionable choices because of the hurt from that experience. I have also learnt to protect myself by withdrawing my participation from situations with similar patterns which I have learnt to spot quickly.    

Recently my husband and I were going through past articles we wrote for our blogs and some lifestyle magazines.  We wanted to share these articles with our growing Gracehill Mental Health community on the Telegram messaging app and I discovered this article.

As I read it, I realized it was still as fresh and relevant to the world today as it was all those years ago and so I have chosen to share beyond the Gracehill community.

I hope you enjoy reading it and it equips you to better manage the diverse personalities described here when you come across them in your space.